
International Cuisine chef training launches

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  • 2024-03-01
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International Cuisine chef training launches

“Years to Visit Mongolia”, with the support of the Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar City, the Capital City Governor’s Office, Mayor’s Office of the Ulaanbaatar City, the Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Department and other professional organizations are going to implement the International Cuisine Chef Training Program. Within the framework of the program, the chefs will study and gain some experience in Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan, where the development of tourism is advanced and the national cuisines are well known around the world.

In this regard, the heads of restaurants operating in the field of food production and service in Ulaanbaatar City were informed about this project. Moreover, the implementation of the program and the training of chefs in those countries will increase food production, quality, the variety and improve the taste of products and services’ quality, as well as the skills of personnel.

Chefs are those who directly interact with customers in the tourism industry. Mongolian chefs obtained their access to international competitions by joining the World Association of Chefs’ Societies in 2009. Furthermore, the Mongolian Association of Master Chefs (MAMC) hosted the Chinggis Khaan Challenge Cup international culinary competition for the first time in 2017, and its second edition in an expanded scale in June, 2019. Also, the Chinggis Khaan Challenge Cup international culinary competition was organized by the MAMC in collaboration with the Mongolian Government in conjunction with the “Years to Visit Mongolia '' declaration on September 14-17, 2023 for the third time.