
Gazelles migrate through residential areas due to zud

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  • 2024-02-26
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Gazelles migrate through residential areas due to zud

Department of Environment and Tourism in Darkhan-Uul Province informed that Mongolian gazelles are migrating to the territory of Darkhan-Uul Province due to severe winter. Therefore, experts and conservationists of the department prepared to pay attention to the locations and areas, conduct surveillance and organize biotechnical measures (the cultivation of special plantations and crops, additional feedings) if necessary.

One of the experts in Darkhan-Uul Province’s Department of Environment and Tourism said that “In the territory of Darkhan-Uul province, especially in areas close to residential areas, it is rare for Mongolian gazelles to appear. Sometimes they used to pass through during migration. However, this winter, they have been staying for a long time. In order to prevent risks towards Mongolian gazelles, their location is kept secret. More than 20 Mongolian gazelles were recorded at two locations.” Then he continued “The fact that the gazelle herds are in the agricultural areas and grasslands reduces the risk of food shortages. However, due to its closeness to residential areas, it may be exposed to risks such as poaching, being caught by stray dogs, and being run over by vehicles. Therefore, we are constantly observing and monitoring.”