
UB winter preparation discussed

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UB winter preparation discussed

The Ulaanbaatar City Council discussed the winter preparations on September 22. According to General Manager of Ulaanbaatar City and Head of the Office of the Governor of the Capital City, M. Bayaraa, winter preparations are currently 87 percent complete. 

For example, this year, 28.1 km of main thermal lines will be extended and renovated in 19 locations. The progress of the work is 95 percent. In addition, 93 percent of the 3.6 km double lines planned for repair and modernization in eight locations among residential areas are completed. Also, the General Manager said that 6,235 tons of salt and 6,056 tons of substances should be stored in the capital city next winter and spring to prevent falling on public streets, roads, and fields. So far, 1,296 tons of substances and 3,250 tons of salt have been stored. The representatives of the Ulaanbaatar City Council reminded that it is important to prevent the formation of the water over melting ice and plop in the coming winter and to create sufficient reserves of improved fuel. About 600,000 tons of fuel are needed this winter for the ger district in Ulaanbaatar. Tavan Tolgoi Tulsh LLC has currently stockpiled more than 100,000 tons of fuel.