
Students to study metallurgy at Siberian Federal University

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Students to study metallurgy at Siberian Federal University

                                                                                                             The eighth Eastern Economic Forum 2023 is taking place in Vladivostok from September 10 to 13 on the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) campus. As a sideline of the forum attendance, the representatives of Mongolia and Russia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in training Mongolian students to study metallurgy and engineering, as stated by the Embassy of Mongolia in Russia. As a result, Mongolian students have the opportunity to study metallurgy at the Siberian Federal University located in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. 

The memorandum of cooperation was signed by Acting State Secretary of the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry of Mongolia G.Batbayar, Vice President for Regional Policy and Government Relations at Rusal Management Elena Bezdenezhnykh and President of the Siberian Federal University Alexander Uss.

According to the, the Eastern Economic Forum is a key international platform for establishing and strengthening ties within the Russian and global investment communities, and for comprehensive expert evaluation of the economic potential of the Russian Far East, the investment opportunities it offers, and business conditions within advanced special economic zones.