
Resolution drafted to renew border railway agreement

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Resolution drafted to renew border railway agreement

During its weekly meeting on July 5, Cabinet reviewed the draft parliamentary resolution on measures to be taken in connection with the construction of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway and decided to submit it to Parliament.

With the approval of the draft resolution, the border railway agreement established in 1955 will be renewed and the legal basis for connecting the border ports of Shiveekhuren-Sekhee, Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod, Zamyn-Uud-Erenhot, Bichigt-Zuunkhatavch railways will be formed.

The government also views that the construction of the Gashuunsukhait-Gantsmod cross-border railway will increase coal exports, reduce transportation costs, transport mining products in a way that has less negative impact on the environment, and raise budget revenue and foreign exchange reserves.

Cabinet also made the following decisions:

• Minister of Finance B.Javkhlan was assigned to take measures to fully finance the Choibalsan Thermal Power Plant Expansion Project regardless of the financing of the Development Bank of Mongolia.

• It was decided to discuss and submit the draft amendment to the Law on Securities Market and other related bills to Parliament.

• The guidelines to be followed by the Mongolian delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Amarsaikhan, who will attend the 22nd meeting of the Joint Committee on Cooperation between Mongolia and the EU, which will be held on July 26 in Brussels, were approved.

• Cabinet decided to submit the draft revision of the Law on Plant Health and Plant Protection to Parliament.

• Minister of Environment and Tourism B.Bat-Erdene was authorized to implement land protection functions in the Khomyn Tal National Park by a non-governmental organization on the basis of a contract.

• Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs Kh.Nyambaatar was instructed to draft the revision of the Law on the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and discuss it at the Cabinet meeting.

• Border Guard Unit No. 0131 in Dalanzadgad soum of Umnugovi Province was named after the honorable border guard, Major General Ch.Sandr.

• This year, the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.Sodnom, a prominent public and social figure, leading scientist and academician of education and science, will be celebrated.