
National Anti-Corruption Program approved

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National Anti-Corruption Program approved


                                                                                                                                               On June 30, the resolution of the State Great Khural on “Approving the National Anti-Corruption Program” was approved during the plenary session. In this regard, we are presenting the full speech of Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar.

“The National Anti-Corruption Program was first approved in 2016. This time, the National Anti-Corruption Program was approved with 11 goals. In this context, leadership and transparency in the fight against corruption in the political sphere will be improved by ensuring the transparency of political party financing and activities. The goal of strengthening the corruption-free and ethical public service that is trusted by the public will be implemented in the near future. Fighting corruption is not only a government task, it is also society task. That is why special attention should be paid to effective participation and effective control of citizens, civil society organizations, and media in anti-corruption activities. All over the world, social norms are changing and reforming, and an anti-corruption culture is being formed. Advances in social networks and technology provide new opportunities. The words ‘justice’ and ‘equal opportunity’ no longer have the characteristics of slogans, and civil society organizations, journalism, and social networks have begun to fight corruption and strengthen effective control. It is called ‘A new three-dimensional approach to fighting corruption’ all over the world. We need to be fully aware that this change is being made in accordance with this new culture and global approach.”

G.Zandanshatar then continued, “Representatives of government organizations and representative organizations should follow the demands and aspirations of society. We must work in accordance with the wishes of people. Shift from a vertical system to a horizontal system of responsibility. The transition of civil society organizations, journalism, professional supervision, and state supervision institutions to a horizontal system of supervision is confirmed by the recently approved ‘National Anti-Corruption Program’. The government will not fight against corruption alone, but will implement the program through collective and joint efforts. This program can be successfully implemented by making the public understand, enlighten, and be transparent about the reasons, conditions, and consequences of adopting and implementing such a policy. All laws and resolutions approved by Parliament include the idea of fighting corruption. The Law on Amendments to the Law on the Elections of Parliament of Mongolia was approved in order to conduct the regular elections of Parliament in a fair manner under the control of the public. The Law on the Ethics of Civil Servants was approved. For the first time, the Standing Committee on Justice has organized a hearing to analyze the evidence of the new norms of public hearings. The final discussion of the consolidated draft of the law on amendments to the law on regulation of public and private interests and prevention of conflicts of interest in public services was held.”

Speaker noted, “In my speech at the opening of the 2023 spring session of the Parliament, I noted that it will be a session that will improve the law and legal framework to fight corruption. Today, we continue this goal one step further and, in accordance with the results of public criticism and external research organizations, we approved the ‘National Anti-Corruption Program’ by making these changes and reforms to ensure the conditions of open and transparent government activities. To realize this, leadership, efforts and joint efforts to implement the national anti-corruption program, which is the first goal of the program, are essential. It is necessary to encourage and lead the development of this culture. It is time to effectively implement the ‘National Anti-Corruption Program’ with a deep awareness of the reality of social demands to tolerate corruption and conflicts of interest.”