
WEF: It will take 131 years to achieve gender equality in the world

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WEF: It will take 131 years to achieve gender equality in the world

                                                                                                          The World Economic Forum said in a new report that it will take 131 years to achieve gender equality. The recently published “Global Gender Gap Report 2023” assessed the situation in 146 countries and concluded that it will not be possible to move to an equal society between men and women before 2154.

Furthermore, The WEF estimates that it will take 169 years to achieve global economic parity, and 162 years for political parity, and it was not possible to determine when the gap in health and living survival parity would disappear. The most progressive sector is education. For example, it was concluded that only 16 years are left to achieve gender equality in the education sector.

Iceland is the closest country to achieving gender equality. The country has been leading the world in this indicator for the last 14 consecutive years and has scored 91.2 points out of 100. No other country has scored more than 90 points. The first five countries are Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and New Zealand. All countries scored above 80 except Iceland. The five countries with the lowest scores are Pakistan, Iran, Algeria, Chad, and Afghanistan. These countries are rated between 40 and 57. Mongolia ranked 80th with 70.4 points. As for Mongolia, it has fallen by 10 places from the previous year.

Among the countries of the same region, Kazakhstan ranked 62nd ahead of us, while China (107th), Japan (125th), and South Korea (105th) ranked behind our country. Russia is not included in this year’s assessment.

Managing director at WEF Saadia Zahidi said many of the factors that have set women back over recent years, including insufficient care infrastructure, and workforce disruption from new technologies. We’re starting to see things get slightly back on track. But what it does mean is that we still have lost an entire generation on the road to gender equality and, essentially, progress has stalled.

The Global Gender Gap Report, now in its 17th year, benchmarks gender-based gaps in four areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.