
175 cases of tick-borne diseases confirmed as of July

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175 cases of tick-borne diseases confirmed as of July

Nationwide, 4,749 cases of zoonotic diseases have been reported in the last 10 years, of which 63 percent are tick-borne diseases.

There are more than 200 types of diseases transmitted from animals to humans in the world, and about 30 of them are considered common in Mongolia.

Officials have warned of an increase in bubonic plague, anthrax, rabies and tick-borne disease in recent years. In particular, in 2019, 841 suspected cases of tick-borne diseases were reported, of which 175 were confirmed, while in the first seven months of 2020, the number of suspected cases rose to 942, with 172 confirmed cases, an increase of 24.2 percent compared to the same period of last year.

In 2019, 79.4 percent of tick-borne diseases were rickettsiosis, 10.9 percent were encephalitis, and 9.7 percent were borreliosis. In other words, tick-borne rickettsiosis has become common in Mongolia. It is characterized by high fever, headache and rash. The main transmitters are pasture mites. Forest ticks cause encephalitis and borreliosis.