
Information on candidates competing in Arkhangai

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Information on candidates competing in Arkhangai

     A total of 19 candidates are competing in the 2020 parliamentary election in the 1 st constituency. Some 73 percent of them are men, while 27 percent are female. Here is the general information and income of candidates running in Arkhangai Provinces.

J.Munkbat, Yo.Baatarbileg and G.Temuulen are competing from the Mongolian People Party (MPP) in Arkhangai Province, or the 1 st constituency.

Lawmaker J.Munkhbat was nominated by MPP in Arkhangai in the 2016 parliamentary elections and was elected to Parliament for the first time. He graduated from the National University of Mongolia in political science in 2002. He is a political research and social studies teacher. In 2008, he studied English at Georgetown University in the US. He rose through the ranks from assistant to Speaker of Parliament to advisor to the president. His annual income is 153,781,650 MNT. He has two apartments, two parking lots and one car worth 90 million MNT under his ownership.

Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Sports Yo.Baatarbileg graduated with a master’s degree from the National University of Mongolia in social studies in 2004. In 2010, he had served as the mayor of Arkhangai Province. He was chosen as representative of the Council of Arkhangai in 2012. He was elected as member of Parliament in 2016. His annual income is 32,566,240 MNT. He owns two apartments and one car worth 130 million MNT.

Lawmaker G.Temuulen has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the American University with a bachelor’s degree in international relation. In 2009, he served as a deputy director of Erdenes MGL LLC. He was elected as a lawmaker in 2016. His annual income is 26,526,910 MNT. He owns three apartments and two cars worth 220 million MNT.

N.Batbayar, D.Zoljargal and P.Munkhtulga are competing from the Democratic Party (DP) in the 1 st constituency.

Former lawmaker N.Batbayar graduated from Moscow State University of Economics and Statistics with a bachelor’s degree in economics. From 1992 to 1999, he served as president of Fortuna Group and CEO of Mongol Key LLC. He was elected as member of Parliament in 2004 and 2008. His annual income was 30,585,600 MNT. He owns one apartment.

Chairman of the DP council office in Parliament D.Zoljargal has bachelor’s degree from the National University of Mongolia and the Mongolian National University of Education in economics. His annual income is 206,532,590 MNT. He has two apartments, one parking, one car worth 155 million MNT and one cottage.

Chairman of the Democratic Youth Union and Policy Council P.Munkhtulga graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the National University of Mongolia in international relations in 2007 and obtained a master’s degree in law from the same university in 2011. He also has a bachelor’s in financial management from Raffles Institution of Singapore. In 2015, he also has a master’s degree from the National Academy of Governance in public administration. From 2016 to 2017, he studied at Loyola Marymount University in EMBA. His annual income is 92.4 million MNT. He owns three apartments, one parking lot, two cars and one motorbike worth 440 million MNT.

B.Gantsetseg, N.Udval and D.Munkh-Erdene were nominated from You Are Our Coalition to run in the 1 st constituency.

Chairman of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party in Arkhangai Province B.Gantsetseg graduated from the Mongolian National University of Education with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics in 2004, and completed a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Finance and Economics in 2011. Her annual income is 18 million MNT. She owns three apartments and two parking.

Former Minister of Health N.Udval studied pediatrics in 1978. From 2000 to 2004, she served as a deputy minister of health. From 2012 to 2014, she served as minister of health. Her annual income is 14 million MNT. She owns one apartment.

D.Munkh-Erdene is a wrestler. His annual income is 24,560,000 MNT. He owns one apartment and one car worth 70 million MNT.

D.Ariunjargal and L.Dansranbavuu were nominated from United Citizens Coalition Party to run in Arkhangai

D.Ariunjargal’s annual income is 6 million MNT. She has one car worth 209 million MNT.

L.Dansranbavuu’s annual income is 30,853,630 MNT. He owns three apartments and one car worth 100 million MNT.

R.Jargalmaa and J.Sanduijav are competing from Right Person, Voter Coalition in Arkhangai Province.

International consultant of UNDP R.Jargalmaa graduated from Irkutsk State Medical University with a bachelor’s degree in pediatrics in 1995 and obtained a master’s degree in health management from Nagoya University of Japan. Her annual income is 98,435,880 MNT. She owns one apartment.

Ph.D. J.Sanduijav graduated from Ural State Technical University of Russia. His annual income is 5,682,000 MNT. He owns one car worth 20 million MNT.

D.Sosorbaram from Sakhigtun! Undsen Khuuliin 19 Khuuli Coalition is competing in Arkhangai. Her annual income is 30 million MNT. She owns one car worth 8 million MNT.

Kh.Demidbaldannyam from Zon Masses Party is running in Arkhangai Province. His annual income is 18 million MNT. He has one car worth 18 million MNT.

Independent candidates running in Arkhangai include R.Badmaanyambuu, E.Bolorchuluun, B.Ganpurev and E.Munkhsaikhan.

R.Badmaanyambuu’s annual income is 73,238,040 MNT. He owns one apartment and one car worth 130 million MNT.

E.Bolorchuluun’s annual income is 46,121,010 MNT. He owns one apartment, one cottage and one car worth 160 million MNT.

E.Munkhsaikhan studied “manage mentor training” online at Harvard University, according to his own declaration. His annual income is 111,028,100 MNT. He owns one apartment and one car worth 10 million MNT.