
647 candidates file in assets and income declarations

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647 candidates file in assets and income declarations

         Candidates running in the 2020 parliamentary election filed in their assets and income declarations to the Independent Authority Against Corruption (IAAC) from May 17 to 19, in accordance with Article 32.4 of the Law on Elections of Mongolia.

Based on the information provided by the General Election Commission (GEC), a total of 698 candidates from 13 parties, four coalitions and independents created an account to register their declarations on site. However, 647 candidates (or 92.6 percent) filed in their assets and income declarations, while 51 candidates have not filed.

IAAC has developed manuals, brochures and detailed video instructions on how to file in assets and income declarations to candidates and posted them on its website.

In accordance with the Law on Elections of Mongolia, IAAC will post the candidates' declarations on its website, and citizens will be able to get review candidates’ income and assets.