
Bill on legal status of human rights defenders presented to speaker

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Bill on legal status of human rights defenders presented to speaker

On May 11, Minister of Foreign Affairs D.Tsogtbaatar submitted the bill on the legal status of human rights defenders to Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar. 

In Mongolia, human rights defenders are often attacked and threatened for their human rights activities, but there is no legal environment to protect and support them. 

The bill defines the term “human rights defenders” in the legal context to ensure their legal status by law. The bill was developed to ensure the security of human rights defenders and establish a system for restoring violated rights. 

The bill’s initiator believes that the adoption of the bill will create favorable conditions for the development of a “common human rights culture”. 

The bill was drafted in line with the Law on the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, the Criminal Code, and the Law on Witness and Victim Protection.