
Special mortgage loan program to be implemented for civil servants in risky situation

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Special mortgage loan program to be implemented for civil servants in risky situation

On May, lawmakers J.Enkhbayar and Kh.Nyambaatar reported about the bill on pandemic response.

The bill aims to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic, protect public health, impose certain restrictions on human rights, make decision promptly and reduce negative social and economic impacts.

The bill also clearly regulates the rights, duties and responsibilities of government organizations, business entities and citizens. In particular, it stipulates that the government to be empowered to regulate the budget internally without increasing overall spending and Parliament will establish a temporary committee to monitor it.

The bill details the remuneration and social security of civil servants working in risky situations. Particularly, a special mortgage loan program will be developed to cover civil servants to enable them to rent-to-own apartments.

The following principles will be followed in the prevention and control of the pandemic.
- To protect life, health and safety of people, and to provide equal medical services,
- To be prompt, transparent and accountable,
- To implement activities within the framework of international health rules,
- To restrict certain human rights and freedoms in order to protect public health,
- Not to discriminate and stigmatize,
- To ensure inter-agency cooperation, and citizen participation.