
Revision of Act of Parliament to be approved

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Revision of Act of Parliament to be approved

         During its plenary session on April 30, the revision of the Act of Parliament was discussed.

In accordance with Parliament procedure, members of Parliament expressed their views on the revision.

Lawmaker D.Lundeejantsan said, “Many of the suggestions made by MPs and citizens have been consolidated, and prohibitions have been added. A provision stipulating, ‘Members of Parliament are not allowed to travel abroad without the permission of the speaker,’ still remains.”

Noting a different proposal in the principle on withdrawal of a member of Parliament, lawmaker D.Erdenebat said, “My proposal on the revision is that a provision stipulating that a member of Parliament can be withdrawn by the proposals of the electorate has to be added. This is really important for a member to be responsible and ethical.”

Parliament transferred the revision of the Act of Parliament over to the Standing Committee on State Structure for preparation for final discussion.

In addition, lawmaker D.Lundeejantsan introduced the revision of the Law on Parliamentary Procedure.

In this regard, lawmaker O.Baasankhuu asked about violations of the law perpetrated by a member of Parliament.

D.Lundeejantsan explained that the Law on Parliamentary Procedure has been amended 26 times since 2006.

“It is so difficult to find out what happened and what did not happen in the eight parliaments. A new Parliament has a right to regulate itself. The law was amended with 14 chapters and 126 articles, and many provisions,” he added.

Lawmaker L.Munkhbaatar said, “The law includes proposals submitted by lawmaker Kh.Nyambaatar and I. I agree to approve the revision.”

The revision of the Law on Parliamentary Procedure had 71.2 percent approval from the members of Parliament.