
Public health workers receive bonuses

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Public health workers receive bonuses

At its regular meeting on April 29, Cabinet amended the regulations on rewarding public servants and public health care workers with bonuses and skill-based incentives. This entitles some workers and retirees of the public and health care sectors to years of service awards, skill-based incentives, and hazardous duty pay.

Particularly, public servants and public health workers who were not able to work from 1990 to 1995 will have those years automatically added to their years of service in addition to their military service years when having their pensions determined. Moreover, public healthcare workers delivering medical services to patients with tuberculosis, pharmacists, and workers involved in disinfection will receive hazard pay.

In addition, Cabinet approved a list of consumer food products to be exempted from customs and value added tax until June 30, 2020. These include edible wheat, seeds, all types of rice, 10 types of vegetable oils, and sugar.

The report on the economic, financial and budget situation before the 2020 parliamentary elections, with six chapters and 12 sub-chapters, was reviewed by Cabinet. In particular, the implementation and results of the International Monetary Fund Extended Fund Facility, the strategic document and the amount of contingent liabilities of the Government Debt Management Strategy for 2019-2022, the expenditure for 2016-2020, and the forecast of the fund's resources in the coming years were introduced.

Cabinet approved the area for prospecting and exploitation of common minerals required for the construction of the 126.7 km Bayankhongor-Altai road.

During the meeting, M.Bayarmagnai was appointed as deputy head of the Cabinet Secretariat. Since June 2019, he has served as head and deputy head of the Foreign Relations Office of the Cabinet Secretariat.