
Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters approved

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Law on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters approved

         During its plenary session on April 24, Parliament convened to discuss the revision of Law on State Audit, submitted by lawmaker L.Enkh-Amgalan.

Lawmaker G.Temuulen introduced proposals and conclusion on the revision of the law issued by the Standing Committee on Budget. G.Temuulen said, “This law enables the right to monitor state power holders of all state-funded organizations, namely the president, prime minister, chief justice and even the speaker of Parliament.” 

Parliament decided to standardize the citations, numbering and terminology of the revision in connection with the amendments to some articles and provisions of the revision of the bill, and to reflect the changes of legal and technical nature.

The revision of the Law on State Audit was forwarded for preparations for final discussion.

Bill on ratification of agreements supported

In addition, Minister of Labor and Social Welfare S.Chinzorig introduced the bill on agreement between Mongolia and the Czech Republic on cooperation in social protection sector.

The ratification of this agreement will improve the social security of Mongolians who live and work in the Czech Republic, granting them access to various welfare and pension.

The draft bill on the agreement received 75.9 percent approval from the members of Parliament.

Parliament also passed the bill on the ratification of the agreement between the government of Mongolia and Green Climate Fund (GCF). 

The GCF annually spends 100 billion USD for climate change mitigation. For the successful implementation of seven projects by Mongolia with investment from the GCF to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Cabinet resolved in May 2019 to enter into a cooperation agreement with the GCF. Accordingly, Minister of Environment and Tourism E.Tserenbat signed an agreement with the GCF on November 22, 2019.

In addition, Parliament discussed the bill on ratification of the agreement between Mongolia and Macao Special Administrative Region of China on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

Mongolia has a bilateral treaty on mutual legal assistance in civil and criminal matters with China. However, this treaty is not effective in the Special Administrative Regions of China. Therefore, agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters is being established with the Special Administrative Regions. 

The establishment of the agreement will ensure legislative bodies of the two sides to collaborate in investigation, judicial proceedings and other prosecution matters actively.

The majority of the members of Parliament who were present at the session voted to adopt the bill.

Constitutional Court Conclusion rejected

Judge of the Constitutional Court Sh.Tsogtoo introduced the conclusion of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia (CCM) regarding the Law on Dispute Resolution.

The CCM considered a dispute on whether a provision of the Law on Dispute Resolution Procedure in the Constitutional Court violates the Constitution on April 15. The provision stipulates, “The CCM will review and resolve disputes related to legislation and the activities of officials issued only after February 12, 1992, when the Constitution entered into force.”

Lawmaker L.Oyun-Erdene and Minister of Justice Ts.Nyamdorj expressed their views on the conclusion.
The conclusion of the CCM was rejected by all attending members of Parliament.