
S.Baatarjav and B.Baasandorj to be appointed as member of GEC

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S.Baatarjav and B.Baasandorj to be appointed as member of GEC

On April 28, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on State Structure convened to consolidate proposals and conclusions on the revision of the Act of Parliament and Constitutional Court conclusion on the Law on Election to be discussed during the plenary session.

Expressing his view on the Act of Parliament, lawmaker D.Erdenebat said, “A member of Parliament must to be withdrawn based on recommendation of a prosecutor. Also a provision stipulating that a member of Parliament can be withdrawn by proposals of the electorate has to be added.”

Lawmaker D.Lundeejantsan noted that according to the Constitution of Mongolia, withdrawal of a member of Parliament by a vote of the electorate should not be supported.

Different proposals in the principle on the revision were voted on and the majority of the members of the standing committee decided to transfer the revision to the plenary session.

Standing committee rejects Constitutional Court conclusion

The Constitutional Court of Mongolia considered a dispute on whether certain provisions of the Law on Parliamentary Election violate the Constitution on April 22. This issue is up for parliamentary review, and standing committees are discussing the conclusion.

There were no different proposals in principle on the conclusion. Therefore, the members of the standing committee decided to reject the conclusion.

The standing committee discussed the issue of releasing and appointing a member of the General Election Commission (GEC). Particularly, R.Sodkhuu, a member of the GEC, was resigned, and U.Enkhtur was relieved of his post. The proposal to
appoint the Commissioner General of the General Police Department of Mongolia S.Baatarjav and Chairman of General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration B.Baasandorj as member of the GEC was supported.