
Respect paid to statue of S.Zorig

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Respect paid to statue of S.Zorig

S.Zorig, who was a prominent Mongolian politician and leader of the country’s democratic revolution, was born on April 20, 1962. The late politician’s family, the leaders of the Democratic Party (DP), and citizens paid their respects during the annual wraith laying ceremony at his statue on the day of his birthday.

Head of DP S.Erdene said, “He would have been 58 years old if he was alive today. He organized the democratic movement orderly and in a peaceful manner. Not everyone has this ability.”

In 1989 and 1990, S.Zorig played a leading role in the events that led to Mongolia's adoption of a multi-party system. He was elected into Parliament both in 1992 and 1996. He was assassinated on October 2, 1998, and the case is still in dispute to this day. He served as Minister of Infrastructure at time.