
Customs duty on vegetable imports to be lifted to 20%

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Customs duty on vegetable imports to be lifted to 20%

      During its plenary session on April 16, Parliament discussed and supported amendments to the draft resolution on setting customs duty rates on imported goods.

The state policy on food and agriculture includes the supply of wheat, vegetables and oilseeds, and the development of greenhouses.

Lawmaker Kh.Bolorchuluun noted that the resolution was drafted to support domestic vegetable cultivation. “It stipulates that import tax of vegetables is to be raised to 30 percent from 10 percent. If it is approved, it will be possible to support domestic vegetable cultivation, provide quality products to the people, and it will be implemented starting August 1,” he added.

Lawmaker D.Terbishdagva, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Ch.Ulaan and Minister of Construction and Urban Development Kh.Badyelkhan expressed their views on the draft resolution.

The draft resolution received support from 75.5 percent of the members and submitted to the Standing Committee on Budget for initial discussion.

Resolution on changes to border crossings

Parliament ratified the draft resolution on changes to borders of Arvaikheer and Taragt soums of Uvurkhangai Province, and Ulgii and Bugat soums of Bayan-Ulgii Province.

In the case of Arvaikheer soum of Uvurkhangai Province, due to lack of territory, land was allocated to the neighboring Taragt soum.

The Ministry of Construction and Urban Development and the Administration of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography of Mongolia drafted the resolution on the changes to border. The majority of the members supported and ratified the draft resolution.

Act on regulating early screening to be drafted

The amendments to the Law on Health received support from 66.7 percent of the members of Parliament.

Minister of Health D.Sarangerel said, “The amendments to the law was drafted to harmonize basic and specialized vocational care services with regional development policies and to promote competition.”

The bill provides for the act regulating early screening and the usage of pathological tissue tests and the usage of corpses for training and research purposes. The bill also stipulates the prohibition of the unauthorized posting of private health information of patients on social media.

Parliament decided to submit the amendments to the Law on Health to Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science for initial discussion.