
Amendments to Law on Courts put through to Parliament

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Amendments to Law on Courts put through to Parliament

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Legal Affair convened with an attendance of 52.6 percent to discuss the amendment to the Law on Courts of Mongolia on April 15.

Minister of Justice and Internal Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj introduced the bill submitted by the government on April 10.

The amendment bill was drafted to consolidate the relations regulated by the Law on Courts of Mongolia, Law on the Legal Status of Judges, Law on Judicial Administration, and the Law on the Legal Status of Judicial Citizens' Representatives.

The bill provides the procedure for electing and nominating members of the Judicial General Council (JGC), clarifying the requirements for the organization, operation and composition of the JGC.

Minister Ts.Nyamdorj noted that the bill stipulates provisions proposed by the Office of the President of Mongolia, Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, Supreme Court, JGC, 41 courts of first and appellate instance, General Prosecutor's Office, General Police Department, Association of Mongolian Advocates, members of Cabinet and scholars.

The amendments to the Law on Courts received support from 60 percent of the members of the standing committee and passed onto further review by Parliament.