
MP B.Batzorig to step down from Parliament

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MP B.Batzorig to step down from Parliament

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on State Structure discussed and decided three issues on April 15.

The standing committee passed through the draft resolution on changes to border crossings of Arvaikheer and Taragt soums of Uvurkhangai Province, and Ulgii and Bugat soums of Bayan-Ulgii Province for parliamentary review.

The request to step down from Parliament submitted by Member of Parliament B.Batzorig was discussed by the standing committee. He submitted a request to step down from Parliament to Speaker G.Zandanshatar on April 3. In this regard, Lawmaker L.Enkh-Amgalan introduced the request.

B.Batzorig’s request to step down from Parliament received 90 percent approval from the standing committee. The lawmaker is being investigated in relation to the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund misappropriation case.

Moreover, the standing committee decided to establish a working group to monitor the implementation to the Law on Mongolian National Broadcaster and to develop the project. The working group will be headed by Lawmaker D.Khayankhyarvaa.