
‘Vision-2050’ to be submitted for initial discussion

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‘Vision-2050’ to be submitted for initial discussion

At its plenary session held on April 10, Parliament agreed to discuss the draft resolution on approval of the long-term development policy of Mongolia “Vision-2050” submitted by Cabinet.

“Mongolia ranked 92nd  out of 189 countries in terms of human development, 99th  out of 140 in terms of economic competitiveness, 74th  out of 190 in terms of business environment, and 93 rd  in terms of corruption, which represents that Mongolia is below the regional average in many areas of development. The basic development indicators show that welfare policies aimed at reducing poverty have not achieved sufficient results. In addition, the vulnerability of the middle class, which is the driving force of society, is creating inequality and undermining the core values ​​of democracy. Therefore, there is a legal basis and practical need to develop a long-term development policy document that summarizes the past 30 years and envisions the next 30 years,” said Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat L.Oyun-Erdene.

"The core values of Mongolia's long-term development policy will be the historical chronology from the empire to the present, the mistakes, the unique nomadic culture, mentality, values, and the intellectual overlap of the envisioning of an adaptive Mongolian. The long-term development policy document will be a model for Mongolia's development based on unique national characteristics and combined with the world's progressive ideas. The core of Mongolia's long-term development policy is the Mongolian people, and every goal of development policy is the same, which is aimed at improving the well-being of the Mongolian people," he added.

Mongolia's long-term development policy has nine fundamental goals and 50 objectives, and will be carried out in three periods: 2020-2030, 2031-2040, and 2041-2050.

1. Shared National Values ​​-- Becoming a nation with deep sense of shared national values

2. Human Development -- Raising Mongolia's Human Development Index to 0.9 and making the world’s top-10 countries in terms of Happiness Index

3. Quality of life and the middle class -- Bringing 80 percent of the total population to middle class by 2050

4. Economy -- Increasing GDP by 6.1 times, GDP per capital by 3.6 times, reaching 15,000 USD, and exceeding the threshold of the world's developed countries

5. Good governance – Establishing a sustainable governance, full human rights, a fair system and eradicating corruption

6. Green growth -- Promoting green growth and ensuring environmental sustainability

7. Peaceful and secure society -- Creating a favorable external and internal environment to protect the core national interests

8. Regional Development -- Developing regions within the country that are integrated into the regional economy with competitiveness and a stable settlement system

9. Ulaanbaatar and satellite cities -- Developing into a livable, environmentally friendly and human-centered city

The resolution was supported with 84.9 percent approval of members at the session and was submitted to the Standing Committee on State Structure for initial discussion.