
11 packages measures to be discussed

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Parliament is scheduled to discuss 15 major draft laws in line with the amendments to the Constitution during the spring session. The most urgent of the bills are laws and resolutions on a package of measures on stimulating economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed.

Head of the Media and Public Relations Department of Parliament S.Batbaatar introduced the resolution on the package measures on April 6.

“Parliament and the government need to take immediate action to prevent new coronavirus infections. It is impossible to predict how many bills and draft resolutions will be submitted for discussion. In general, the spring session will be very busy,” he said.

The Standing Committee on State Structure discussed amendments to the Law on Parliamentary Procedure and Law on Legislation at 10:00 a.m. on April 7.

The Standing Committee on Budget will discuss the package measures to protect the health and income of citizens, save jobs and stimulate the economy amid COVID-19 pandemic. More than 10 laws are set to be amended in relation to the package measures.

S.Batbaatar mentioned that there are 11 packages measures set to be discussed, not seven as some media have reported. In addition, amendments to the legislation on exempting income tax payments for entities and individuals, exempting value added tax and social insurance premium payment, and providing dividends of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi will be discussed before May. It also includes measures to transfer the company's profits and losses for a certain period of time, and to sell the equipment to farmers at a 50 percent discount through the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry.

The Standing Committee on Budget and the Standing Committee on Economy discussed the package measures proposed by Cabinet before it was reviewed during the main session on April 7.