
6,206 children born in January

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6,206 children born in January

Some 6,206 gave birth in January, an increase of 252 or 4.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Mothers looking after their baby after birth reached 4,619, which is an increase of 158 or 3.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. Sixteen mothers gave birth or a place other than a hospital, which is a decrease of five or 23.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.  

From total newborn babies, 3,160 were boys and 3,046 were girls. Some 145 twins were born in January. The average weight of newborns was 3,390 grams and the average height of newborns was 50.7 centimeters. By age group, 3.7 percent of mothers who gave birth to a child were under 20 years old, 92.6 percent were 20 to 39 years old, and 3.7 percent were over 40

years old.

In January 2020, 1.2 percent of mothers who gave birth had no formal education, 4.7 percent had primary education, 12.5 percent had lower secondary education, 34.8 percent of had upper secondary education, six percent had vocational education, 39.2 percent had diploma or bachelor’s degree, and 1.6 percent had masters or higher education. From all mothers who gave birth, 40.3 percent were married, 58.5 percent were not officially married, and 1.2 percent were divorced. Of the total numbers of live births, 55 or 0.9 percent had congenital abnormalities and 323 or 5.2 percent were less than 2,500 grams in weight. The stillbirth rate was 4.5 per 1,000 total births.