Cabinet met on November 24 to discuss winter preparation and set the quota for foreign workforce.
The Prime Minister instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to increase the state reserve of hay and fodder to prevent shortage during winter. Cabinet members agreed to locate sites for hay warehouses in Bayantsagaan soum of Bayankhongor Province, Arvaikheer soum of Uvurkhangai Province, and Tudevtei soum of Zavkhan Province. They also agreed to dispatch hey reserves to regions likely to face challenging winter conditions.
Premier U.Khurelsukh instructed ministers to support exports of sheep and goat meat from provinces with not livestock disease outbreaks. Since January, Mongolia exported 18,000 tons of meat to China, Russia, Vietnam and Iran. The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry is expected to export 13,600 tons of mutton and 13,800 tons of goat meat this year.
During the meeting, Cabinet approved the quota for foreign workers in Mongolia for 2018. Next year, the number of foreign specialists and workers being employed by Mongolian organizations and enterprises with over 20 employees must be no more than five percent of their workforce. If it is necessary to exceed the five percent limit, Cabinet will review requests for exceptions.
The five percent limit does not apply to all Mongolian industries and Cabinet approved a list of organizations and enterprises that are allowed to hire more foreign workers. Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh instructed Minister of Health D.Sarangerel to determine the costs of medical examinations for the residence permit of foreign workers. As of October 31, there were 9,500 foreigners from 91 countries residing in Mongolia and the government plans to reduce the number of foreign workers by half in 2020.