
Ministry of Construction to build apartments for 1,000 families

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Ministry of Construction to build apartments for 1,000 families

The Minister of Construction and Urban Development G.Munkhbayar reported to the Cabinet that the preparation for the construction of the 1,000 Family housing complex has been completed and that the project is ready to commence. The complex is being built as part of the ger area redevelopment project that will be implemented with a two billion RMB grant from China. Minister G.Munkhbayar, Finance Minister B.Choijilsuren and Foreign Minister Ts.Munkh-Orgil have been delegated the responsibility of establishing the contracts and agreements to begin construction. Peoplec who were moved out of their ger district homes to make way for state housing projects have been complaining that the projects’ lack of progress has made them homeless. They will be provided temporary housing at the 1,000 Family complex once it is built, according to government authorities. In their 2016 to 2020 action plan, the government included the plan to build a complex to house 1,000 families.