
Bus routes to change on Car-Free Day

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Bus routes to change on Car-Free Day

Bus routes have been altered for the International Ulaanbaatar Marathon, set to be held on the annual Car-Free Day.

The eighth Car-Free Day has been scheduled on May 20 to encourage residents to adopt a healthy lifestyle with exercise and reduce air pollution caused by vehicles within the scope of the Friendly Ulaanbaatar Program.

Roads spanning from Western Intersection to Eastern Intersection, including Baga Toiruu, Peace Avenue, Seoul Street, Beijing Street, Ankara Street, and Sambuu Street will be closed from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Public Transportation Department has instructed drivers of 331 public buses of Route No.34 to stop on Ikh Toiruu Street in the north, and Sun Road and Namiyanju Street in the south instead of usual bus stops.

Trolleybuses from Tavan Shar to Botanik, Botanik to Vokzal, and from the 3rd and 4th khoroos to Officer’s Palace will not operate on May 20. Large markets and trade centers in the area will close on car-free day as well.

The international Ulaanbaatar Marathon will start from Chinggis Square with a route stretching more than 42 kilometers across the capital.