
Mongolian university basketball team returns home

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Mongolian university basketball team returns home

The Mongolian university basketball team, which won a silver medal at the World University 3x3 Basketball Championships, returned home on November 26. The World University 3x3 Basketball Championships was the team’s first world championship event, and the team returned home with a historic achievement. The Mongolian National Basketball Association, coaches, basketball players and their family welcomed the team. The World University 3x3 Basketball Championship was held in Xiamen, China from November 19 to 24. The Mongolian team defeated teams from China, Malaysia, and Thailand. In the semi-final, they beat Lebanon. They faced against France in the gold medal match, but lost. Director of Mon-Altius Physical Education Institute and leader of the Mongolian team M.Usukhbayar said, “Twelve countries competed in the World University 3x3 Basketball Championships. We were aiming to seize a medal from the tournament and we have achieved our goal. We proved that team sports can be developed in Mongolia.The hardest match was against France. France is one of the best teams of Europe.”