
Democratic Party criticizes Cabinet’s latest decisions

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Democratic Party criticizes Cabinet’s latest decisions

Chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) group in the parliament, MP S.Erdene, and MP Z.Narantuya held a press conference yesterday at the State Palace to tell the Mongolian public that Cabinet’s decision to suspend the “Good” programs initiated by the DP over the past four years is a policy mistake. DP members say that the Good Student, Good Fences, Good Herder, and Good Shares programs were implemented  with financing from commercial banks through a 553.8 billion MNT loan issued by Mongol Bank. S.Erdene explained that commercial banks have taken on the financial risk of issuing the loans to the program participants. DP authorities stressed that the decision to terminate the "Good" programs, which the DP says were implemented on business principles, is wrong and a violation of the Law on Budget. The MPs blamed years of poor economic structure for the economic slowdown, and underlined that the DP began their work in government by correcting the errors made by previous governments. MP S.Erdene also stated that Prime Minister J.Erdenebat’s statement about reducing the salaries of some state servants is a violation of the law. He said that the Prime Minister’s decision is a serious violation of the Law on State Service,  which states, “Any action to cut expenses for state services will not be grounds to eliminate state payments for state servants, or to reduce their salary, compensation, welfare or pension.” DP authorities have also complained that the MPP’s decision to cut wages contradicts the MPP’s plans to increase the average household income by supporting employment and increasing salaries, pensions, and welfare allowances in phases. “Today, over 180,000 servants are working for the state, earning a living for their families and children. The Prime Minister should first cut down on expenses, like the expenses of deputy ministers, large SUVs, and maintenance in the Prime Minister’s office, rather than reducing the salaries of state servants,” stressed MP S.Erdene.