
List of governmental agencies

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Regulatory Agencies
  1. General Intelligence Agency
  2. Information Technology, Post and Telecommunications Authority
  3. National Development Agency
  4. State Specialized Inspection Agency
  5. National Emergency Management Agency
  6. Agency for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection
  7. Agency for Standardization and Metrology
  8. General Police Department
  9. General Authority for Border Protection
  10. General Staff of the Mongolian Armed Forces
Implementation Agencies
  1. Authority for State Property Policy and Management
  2. Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring
  3. General Authority of Customs
  4. General Authority of Taxation
  5. General Authority of State Registration and Intellectual Property
  6. General Archival Authority
  7. General Executive Agency of Court Decisions
  8. Immigration
  9. General Authority of Health and Social Security
  10. General Agency of Labor and Welfare Services
  11. Family, Child and Youth Development Agency
  12. Authority of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography
  13. Authority of Physical Education and Sports
  14. Authority of Arts and Culture
  15. Civil Aviation Authority
  16. Authority of Minerals and Petroleum
  17. Authority of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry