
Prime Minister J.Erdenebat's Cabinet holds its first meeting

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During the first meeting of Prime Minister J.Erdenebat's Cabinet on July 27, the Prime Minister assigned duties to the ministers and asked for researched feedback on a number of pending issues in upcoming regular meetings. The minister's have been asked to conduct research and provide reports on the following issues:
  1. Cabinet’s 2016-2020 operational program needs to be developed in, adhering to the Mongolian People’s Party’s action plan.
  2. A study is to be conducted on reducing interest for pension loans for seniors and introduced in a Cabinet meeting.
  3. A study is to be conducted on lowering income taxes for entities with an annual income lower than 1.5 billion MNT to 1 percent and a report on the study should be presented.
  4. An amendment is to be drafted on extending the term of the adoption of the amended Criminal Code and addressing controversial provisions in the law.
  5. A study is to be conducted on making the pension threshold for herders five years less.
  6. An amendment to change export taxes on raw materials from livestock will be developed.
  7. The Student with Income project will be implemented, allowing students to work part time during their studies.
  8. Issues around publicly held Erdenes-Tavan Tolgoi shares need to be reviewed in the context of the nation's economics.
  9. A study is to be conducted on the selling of 49 percent of Erdenet Mining Corporation’s shares, with feedback reported in an upcoming Cabinet meeting.
  10. Preparations for winter and the upcoming academic year for schools and kindergartens are to be carried out promptly.