
Updates on ASEM preparations

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Foreign Affairs Minister L.Purevsuren reported during a press conference held yesterday that the state heads of 34 countries have confirmed their attendance for the ASEM Summit on July 15 and 16. This will be the largest number of presidents and prime ministers that Mongolia has ever received at the same time. L.Purevsuren said, “Some countries just underwent elections and some countries are preparing for an election. Because of such circumstances, the names of people who have  registered to attend ASEM might be changed. Representatives of 51 countries and two international organizations will participate in the summit. So far, over 500 foreign reporters have confirmed that they will be reporting on the summit. It is important to introduce them to Mongolia in a positive way, and to give them an accurate concept about Mongolia’s livelihood, the Naadam festival, culture, environment, politics, and the economy. The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Mongolia has worked actively on the organization of the event.” The guests are expected to arrive on July 12, 13, and 14. Presidents and premiers of around five countries will conduct state visits to Mongolia. The visit of the Prime Minister of Singapore is to commence on July 14, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam is to arrive on July 13. So far, a total of 792 journalists and press and media staff have registered to report on ASEM, and 123 of the individuals registered are Mongolian journalists. Registration for  Mongolian journalists has closed, and registration for reporters from ASEM member countries closes today. Maintenance of the press conference room equipped to hold up to 450 reporters is being carried out at the Shangri-La complex. Domestic and foreign reporters will report live on the summit from the press center. Nearly 130 international call telephones will be installed at the event site, allowing foreign reporters and journalists to report in real time. The summit, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting, is being carried out under the theme “Partnership for the Future through Connectivity”. Out of nine side events held in advance of the summit, four events have concluded with the fifth event – the 7th Asia-Europe People’s Forum - now taking place. The Asia-Europe Editors’ Forum and Model ASEM are taking place through July 10, and the ASEM Senior Officials' Meeting  and 15th Asia-Europe Business Forum will take place on July 12 through 14.