
Mazaalai Kindergarten opens in Bayankhongor Province

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Mazaalai Kindergarten opens in Bayankhongor Province

On July 1, the opening ceremony for Mazaalai Kindergarten was held. The public kindergarten was built with donations and support from Bayankhongor Province residents, employees, and representatives from 32 organizations, entities, and Members of Parliament. In 2014, Khongoriin Urs NGO initiated the 1,000 MNT donation campaign to raise funds for Mazaalai, and a total of 490 million MNT was collected to build the kindergarten for 150 children. Chairman of the State Administration and Management Department of the Mayor’s Office of Bayankhongor S.Bayarmagnai attended the opening ceremony for the kindergarten. He spoke about development projects that have been carried out in the province over the past four years. He emphasized that independently funding a new kindergarten and presenting it to the state is a project that has never before been carried out in Mongolia.