
6 species of crane inhabit Khentii Province

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-06-07
  • 1248
  • 0
6 species of crane inhabit Khentii Province

The “Common crane Festival 2024” will be held at the banks of Tsagaan Lake in Binder soum of Khentii Province on June 8. This event aims to improve the protection of endangered common cranes and wetlands in Mongolia in cooperation with local people and increase public awareness whilst developing local eco tourism. There are seven species of common cranes in Mongolia. Of these, six species inhabit Binder soum of Khentii Province during summer and fall. Those cranes native to Mongolia include, Demoiselle (most abundant and throughout the country), Siberian (occasional small groups seen in summer in the northeast), Eurasian and Hooded (non-breeding flocks not uncommon), Red-crowned Crane (rare visitor in the northeast), and White-naped Crane (threatened breeder). 

The common crane which has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for vulnerable under the range size criterion, has currently been listed as Least-Concern in the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The population trend is estimated to be increasing. 

Moreover, the common crane is a large, stately bird and a medium-sized crane. It is 100–130 cm long with a 180–240 cm wingspan. The body weight can range from three to 6.1 kg. Siberian Cranes are included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2018. It is listed as Critically Endangered. Although cranes are protected by tradition in Mongolia, there are many challenges for their survival, in particular the wetland-dependent, White-naped Crane. Mongolia is experiencing an extended period of severe zud and drought in the last several years. Many of the wetlands where White-naped Cranes nested have dried up. Many that remain are shared with thousands of livestock and the nomadic people. To that extent, the festival will be a significant contributor to the protection of this animal.