
Large number of grayling and dace died

  • By chagy5
  •   -  
  • 2024-04-05
  • 921
  • 0
Large number of grayling and dace died

Information about the death of a large number of fish in the tourist area of ​​the Altai Tavan Bogd National Park, on the west bank of Dayan Lake, spread on social media. The protection administration of the Mongolian Altai Mountain State Special Protected Area clarified that, “Many fish died by suffocation in the two-part depression along the shore of the lake. A team of six people, consisting of conservationists, experts and researchers from the protection administration, worked in the area, and the fish were not exposed to any external influences but lack of oxygen”. 

This happens when rivers and lakes freeze and thaw. However, samples were taken for detailed analysis at the Institute of Biology of Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Now the dead fish are removed from the lake, and the surrounding area is disinfected. Also it was estimated that “About 90 percent of the fish that died were Altai dace, and the rest were grayling”.