
‘New era of cosmology’ academic conference organized

  • By chagy5
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  • 2024-03-25
  • 656
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‘New era of cosmology’ academic conference organized


The second scientific conference “New era of space science” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Baljinova Badmajab Jambalovna, one of the first scientists astronomy, was held by the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences on March 22. The conference also coincided with the day when the first Mongolian flew into space. 

The academic conference shared and disseminated the results of innovation, research and development, and further talked about the achievements of the field of space science, air and space technology and further implementation of interdisciplinary cooperation in Mongolia. The conference intended to exchange ideas on finding new solutions, advanced methods and technologies. More than 20 presentations were presented and discussed in the framework of two groups of topics, in particular “Development and application of the peak of astronomy” and “Space technology”. S.Tsagaankhuu, head of the Communications Policy Implementation Department of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, presented a report on the activities, policies and planning of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications in the space sector, and answered the questions of the participants.

On March 22, 1981, Gurragchaa Jugderdemid flew into space on the Soyuz 39 spacecraft with Soviet cosmonaut V.A.Dzhanibekov landing back on Earth at 7.42 pm on March 30. THis was the first time Mongolia ever went into space and it became the 10th country in the world to send off a cosmonaut into space, and Mongolian cosmonaut J. Gurragchaa became the 2nd person in Asia, and the 101st person in the world to fly into space. In space, 36 experiments and research were carried out in the fields of medical care and biology, physics and technology, and remote sensing and it established the foundations for the development of space science in Mongolia. Therefore, we celebrate March 22 as the day Mongolia went into space for the first time.