
Various donations handed to herders

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  • 2024-02-26
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Various donations handed to herders

National Agency Meteorology and the Environmental Monitoring has updated the weather conditions. Accordingly, in 58 soums of 13 provinces, there are impenetrable ice-cover forms on the surface of precipitation, preventing livestock from grazing. A few days ago, those conditions were registered in 23 soums of six provinces, but it increased rapidly in a short period of time. Also, in 137 soums of 17 provinces, there are too much snows which leads to the condition where the snowfall is too deep for livestock to reach the grass covered by snow. Moreover, 69 soums of 18 provinces and two districts of the capital city have moved to the state of zud like condition.

The weather was stable on February 23, however on February 24, the cold intensified in the eastern part of Mongolia. On February 25, it started snowing in the western provinces, and from February 27, snow will fall in the eastern and western provinces, and the speed of the wind is expected to increase. Therefore, if you are planning to travel long distances during this period, especially to the eastern provinces, it is recommended to carefully listen to the advice of professional organizations and not to go if not necessary. Until the end of this month, it will snow and be cold. In particular, on February 28-29, it will snow again in the western provinces. Therefore, it is expected that the situation of severe winter will worsen.

Due to snow and ice conditions, 13,500 families were stuck in snow and 38,400 km of roads were closed. In this regard, six working groups headed by Ministers are working in the local areas and decide the funds needed to provide the continuous delivery of health and social care services to the herders who are migrating, the cost of cars, fuel and other supplies necessary for the rapid organization of search and rescue operations in the event of natural disasters, and to provide grass and fodder from the state reserve at a discount to the provinces, to open closed roads and passes, as well as to relocate families. In relation to that, on February 19-23, 1,528 tons of animal hay and fodder were delivered to 1,966 households in 44 soums of 16 provinces and 10,009 km of closed roads were opened with the help of about 250 officers of the state military and law enforcement agencies and more than 120 special equipment. Furthermore, depending on the thickness of the snow and the condition of the road and the pass, it takes four to six hours to open 30 km of roads.

Moreover, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) took a survey from 1,700 students who came to study from the local areas because of the hazardous winter. 550 of them expressed their urgent need to help their families and issued a statement to the school administration. Therefore, it has been decided to permit them to leave classes for four weeks until March 22, and make adjustments to their training activities and classes. The administration of Mongolian National University of Education has also started accepting requests from local students. So far, a small number of students have taken leave and gone home. If there are more requests, it is planned to make temporary changes to the curriculum. 

Furthermore, in Zavkhan Province, 2,810 km of roads have been opened in 42 directions of Tosontsengel soum. Also, 270 liters of fuel and three vehicles were provided to support the delivery of fodder to 18 families. 13 households in Ider bag were provided with 100 liters of fuel and two vehicles with the capacity to deliver fodder. The Governor’s Office of Tosontsengel soum informed that in the future, the work of opening roads in rural areas, and delivering fodder to herders will be organized step by step.

To continue, the monk at the Gandantegchinlen Monastery, D.Javzandorj called on monks and devotees to donate to herders in provinces facing difficulties due to the severe winter, and launched a donation campaign for monks. All monks supported the call and donated fodder worth more than 80 million MNT and it was handed over to the herders. In addition, the delivery of the fodders to the herdsmen in rural areas where weather has been difficult, was organized in cooperation with the Emergency Headquarters of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

In addition, the staff of the Jargalant Rehabilitation Center Unit No. 113 under NEMA donated their hand-sewn products to the herders. In particular, 100 animal covers, 75 lamb covers, 50 gloves, 70 gowns, 75 candles, and 72 matches were handed over to the Special Commission of the Tuv Province.