
Residents of Zaisan request to test drinking water

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Residents of Zaisan request to test drinking water

Head of Water Agency Z.Batbayar gave some information about the drinking water. E.coli, salmonella, and shigella bacteria were found in the drinking water of residential areas near Zaisan with a decentralized water source. Also, since nitrate and ion content exceeds the maximum allowable level of MNS 0900:2018 standard for drinking water, citizens and enterprises are warned that they need to test the drinking water. Experts said these bacteria are caused by pit latrines, unreliability of sewage systems, floodwaters, snowmelt, and soil pollution. 

As of December 5, 209 enterprises and organizations were allowed to use water, and the information has been compiled by sector, basin administration, province, and capital. Based on the conclusion of water use, 172.0 million cubic meter/year of water was preliminarily charged. Also, 121.6 billion MNT had been allocated to the budget.

1.7 million cubic meters of water will be used in the agriculture industry, 122 million cubic meters in the mining industry, 0.2 million cubic meters in the heavy industry, and 36.3 million cubic meters in energy production.  Moreover, 4.8 million cubic meters of water will be used in the food industry, 2.9 million cubic meters of water in the construction industry, 0.7 million cubic meters in the road repair sector, 0.05 million cubic meters in the tourism industry, and 0.8 million cubic meters in the public catering establishment industry. Z.Batbayar informed that the information on water use approvals made by water supply organizations has been compiled as of now.