
Crimes committed in August doubled

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Crimes committed in August doubled

As of August 2023, 288,092 law violations cases registered, which is an increase of 35.7 percent compared to last month, according to the State General Prosecutor’s Office (SGPO).

Moreover, SGPO informed that 68.7 percent of all violation cases were registered in Ulaanbaatar and 31.3 percent in the provinces, while 96.2 percent were investigated and resolved by the police, and 3.8 percent by authorized officials of other organizations.

During the above period, 277,434 citizens and 524 legal entities were punished according to the Law on Infringement, and those sentenced increased by 37 percent from the previous month, while legal entities decreased by 2.8 percent. 78.7 percent of the offenders are men and 21.3 percent are women, while the majority (64.4 percent) are between the ages of 26 and 45.

In comparison to July, the number of violations committed in August doubled, the number of violations of the law on traffic safety increased by 40 percent, and the number of violations of the law on customs increased by 16.8 percent. However, violations of the tax law decreased by 30.4 percent, violations of non-compliance with government officials’ decisions by 30.4 percent, theft violations by 14.3 percent, violations of children’s rights by 2.8 percent, and violations of the law on combating domestic violence by 1.6 percent.