
Watch Day activity planned at Choijin Lama Temple Museum

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Watch Day activity planned at Choijin Lama Temple Museum

Choijin Lama Temple Museum, included on the 2020 World Monuments Watch, will celebrate Watch Day on May 17 with a series of educational activities, online live program and youth participatory event.

Watch Day highlights the importance of vibrant community engagement and local stewardship in the sustainable preservation of heritage sites. These Watch Day activities are wholly or partly supported by World Monuments Fund.

Choijin Lama Temple Museum Watch Day activities:

• Guided tour with online video to promote Mongolian temple architecture, traditional techniques, external decorations, building material making process, etc.

• Paper mache art workshop for high school students.

• Digital exhibition of old archival photos dating back to 1920s.

• The launch of an AR content reconstruction of demolished temple buildings.

• Tree planting at the front yard of Choijin Lama Temple.

• Distribution of tote bags, T-shirts with temple image and the text “World Monuments Watch Site” to Watch

Day participants and supporters.

Visit www.wmf.org for more information.