
Medals grabbed at World School Chess Championships

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Medals grabbed at World School Chess Championships

                                                                                                                          The World School Chess Championships 2023 (WSCC) was held in 12 age categories in Rodos, Greece, from April 14 to 22, under the auspices of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) and Prefecture of South Aegean. A total of 30 Mongolian athletes competed in the WSCC and six athletes won medals in the WSCC.

The following athletes grabbed medals:

  1. In the 7-year-old girls’ category, athlete from the Ikh Master Academy, Ts.Gerelt-Oyu won the golden medal;
  2. In the 11-year-old girls’ category, athlete from the Steinitz Academy, B.Buyankhishig won the gold medal;
  3. In the 9-year-old girls’ category, athlete from the Bosoo Noyon Club, I.Tselmuun won the silver medal;
  4. In the 13-year-old girls’ category, athlete from the Monchess Academy, G.Urangoo won the silver medal;
  5. In the 13-year-old boys’ category, athlete from the Bosoo Noyon Club, G.Tenuundalai won the silver medal;
  6. In the 13-year-old girls’ category, athlete from the Gegeen Arvai Club, N.Sodgerelt won the silver medal.

About 600 children from more than 55 countries participated in the 2023 World Student Chess Championship in Rhodes, Greece. The tournaments are nine-round Swiss, with a time control of 90 minutes for the entire game, with a 30-second increment from move one.