
142 coal sales contracts disclosed

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142 coal sales contracts disclosed

Plenipotentiary representative of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC J.Ganbat reported that 142 coal sales contracts have been made public and placed on the company’s website during a press conference on December 1.

He informed, “During the first 35 days after I accepted this position, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi sold 3.7 million tons of coal worth 341.5 million USD. Out of this, coal worth 205.5 million USD was sold in November alone. All these activities can be monitored by surveillance cameras.”

“The government tasked us to ensure transparency. In this regard, we disclosed 142 coal sales contracts. Evaluation of the mining contracts is underway. Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi mainly works in the mining exchange and works transparently and openly through electronic trading procedures. We’re able to see which vehicles are transporting coal. The transportation of coal from Tsagaan Khad to the border will be made transparent. Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi is cooperating with the customs and tax authorities in accordance with the government’s order to make coal exports transparent. As a result, starting from today, the company started to register the data of coal extracted from the mine and exported through the customs and tax automatic registration system,” J.Ganbat underscored.

He added, “As of December 1, coal exports have reached 110,900 tons per day, which is double the amount exported daily a month ago. The transportation level from the mine to Tsagaan Khad has been hiked by three to four times. As of October 5, the company had a debt of 615 million USD but today, it has a debt of 451 million USD. We are working to pay the remaining debt with coal. Moreover, two cases related to coal are being investigated by the Criminal Police.”

On top of that, Chief Cabinet Secretary D.Amarbayasgalan announced, “Information about the inspection of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi finding that 6.4 million tons of coal worth 40 trillion MNT were illegally exported is widely spreading among the public. This is false. It is impossible to export 6.4 million tons of coal without any control. Between 2013 and 2019, Mongolia exported 182.9 million tons of coal, while China imported 182.6 million tons of coal. The difference is 0.3 million tons. According to the task given by Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene, professional organizations are working to review and investigate any illegal actions that may occur during coal export transportation.”