
Bill on e-signatures reviewed

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Bill on e-signatures reviewed

A parliamentary sub-working group held a meeting last Friday to discuss the draft revision of the Law on e-Signatures, which was submitted by Cabinet to Parliament on May 19.

Since the adoption of the Law on e-Signatures in 2011, a total of 38,407 digital signatures have been issued to citizens and legal entities, according to lawmakers. The bill initiators assessed that the implementation of this law is “insufficient and slow”.

The bill regulates e-signatures and allows any service that requires a signature, such as legal entity registration, banking, voting and tax registration, to be obtained electronically from government agencies and used for other services. It also provides for the opportunity to place digital signatures on the memory of ID cards and on SIM cards of mobile phones.

The bill initiators view that the use of digital signatures on on- line platforms can be upgraded by changing the legal framework to meet international standards and resolving emerging issues.

During the meeting, Head of Legal Policy Department of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs P.Sainzorig, Head of Secretariat of the National Committee for e-Development S.Tengis, Head of Information Technology Policy and Coordination Department of the Communications and Information Technology Authority (CITA) B.Bilegdemberel and other officials discussed each provision of the bill in detail.

The sub-working group, headed by senior adviser to the Standing Committee on Justice M.Unenbat, includes representatives of the National Security Council, Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, General Intelligence Agency, General Police Department, General Authority for State Registration, Communications and Information Technology Authority, non-governmental organizations and professional associations.