
Selbe and Bayankhoshuu sub-centers under construction

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Selbe and Bayankhoshuu sub-centers under construction

According to the Ulaanbaatar Master Plan, six sub-centers are planned to be built in the city to balance urban development. The Ger Area Development Investment Support Program is building the infrastructure for the sub-centers. Within the first phase of the project, more than 50 facilities and engineering infrastructure works were carried out to partially develop the Bayankhoshuu and Selbe sub-centers.

On June 4, Deputy Ulaanbaatar Mayor J.Batbayasgalan and other related officials inspected the construction process. J.Batbayasgalan ordered the relevant authorities to monitor the cleanup of the area. “Even people who have exchanged their land for apartments need to be responsible and clean up their waste,” he noted. Relevant officials then inspected the progress of the Bayankhoshuu sub-center's landscaping work along the flood dam. N.Badmaavanchin, the general engineer of Duuren Trade LLC working as a contractor of the project, noted, “Flood dam construction is at 80 percent completion. Work is proceeding according to plan and schedule. There are relatively few obstacles to work.”

General Coordinator of the Ger Area Development Investment Support Program D.Avirmed said, “Within the framework of the construction of the Selbe sub-center, the Information and Communication Service Center, kindergartens and the Business Incubator Center are being built. Selbe Business Incubator Center will organize various vocational trainings and support individuals and companies that want to start a business to exchange experiences, share knowledge and skills, an develop their business ideas to make them a reality.”

Head of the Capital City Road Development Agency B.Indra said, “For some citizens and businesses, the city has rules and regulations. There are a lot of violations such as digging flood dams, constructing buildings without permission. The interests of one family mustn’t infringe the rights of others. Therefore, citizens and businesses need to build where they are allowed. I want them to respect each other and follow the rules and regulations of our city.” The deputy mayor noted, “Due to the recent heavy rain, ger area families are at high risk of flooding. In the coming days, the relevant professional organizations will conduct a survey of areas at high risk of flooding, present it to the Ulaanbaatar mayor, and a working group will be established to address the issue.”