
Parties in Parliament convened to discuss timely issues

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Parties in Parliament convened to discuss timely issues

On April 13, the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP), Democratic Party (DP) and United Citizens Coalition Party (UCCP) in Parliament convened separately to consolidate their positions on the bills and resolutions to be discussed by standing committees and Parliament this week.

Working group to be established to monitor fiscal budget

    During its meeting on April 13, the DP Council in Parliament convened to discuss four issues.

In particular, a working group is to be established to monitor the fiscal budget in the first quarter of 2020, especially on issues related to exports. The working group will be headed by Head of the Subcommittee on Budget Expenditure Control Z.Narantuya.

The working group will monitor the government's policies and performance of efforts to develop foreign trade and economy.

The council decided to submit the demand on a draft resolution with five chapters and 38 articles to be implemented urgently amid the COVID-19 pandemic to the government.

The DP is working on financial calculations to find out what measures will be taken to solve the problems of its citizens working and studying abroad.

Moreover, the party council discussed a bill on reducing VAT rate to five percent from 12 percent.

Lawmaker B.Purevdorj submitted a bill on reducing VAT’s rate to five percent to Parliament on December 2019. Introducing the decision of the DP Council, B.Purevdorj mentioned that reducing VAT is an important measure to support citizens and entities in these difficult economic times.

“Members of MPP S.Byambatsogt and L.Oyun-Erdene have submitted a bill on reducing VAT rate to 10 percent from 12 percent and increasing its refund rate to seven percent. But it is difficult to be implemented. Particularly, it will not be implemented in soums. Namely, Must soum of Khovd Province has only two shops paying VAT,” he said.

SME loan misappropriation

The MPP caucus convened to discuss the issues on the banking sector reform and reducing interest rates. The MPP decided to introduce it to the government. A working group under MP B.Battumur was established to plan out the banking sector reform.

Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh attended the meeting and officially announced that he will not nominate members of MPP who received loans from the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Fund for the 2020 parliamentary election.

Moreover, MPP decided not to postpone the upcoming election. MP J.Bat-Erdene announced that MPP discussed the issue of ensuring health and safety during the upcoming parliamentary election and organizing appropriate activities by the government.

UCCP will nominate only ‘experienced’ candidates

    UCCP met to finalize its candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections. During the press conference to introduce the decision of the party, Head of the United Citizens Coalition Party J.Batzandan announced that the party will nominate members who are knowledgeable, experienced and patriotic.

The party discussed the Cashmere program implemented by the government. It was considered appropriate to provide equal and inclusive access to the program to all herders.

In this regard, Deputy Head of UCCP Ts.Gantulga said, “I got acquainted with the work of Dornogovi, Dundgovi and Umnugovi provinces during the last 14 days. The main source of income for herders, cashmere, costs 30,000 to 40,000 MNT per kg. Therefore, the program must be made more effective and accessible.”