
S.Byambatsogt: Parliament can convene during weekends

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S.Byambatsogt: Parliament can convene during weekends

Parliament convened with an attendance of 54.7 percent of the total 76 members on April 9. Speaker of G.Zandanshatar introduced eight issues up for discussion.

Draft amendments to the Law on Parliamentary Procedure was discussed. Head of the Standing Committee on State Structure S.Byambatsogt introduced the conclusions on the amendments to the Law on Parliamentary Procedure made by the Standing Committee on State Structure. The standing committee agreed to pass on the amendments for further review and proposed 12 principle issues at its regular meeting.

Article 21.11 of the Law on Legislation was changed to stipulate that in case of a state of emergency, war or international quarantine, Cabinet will submit its proposal on the draft law and other draft decisions within 72 hours.

S.Byambatsogt explained that it used to be 30 days and it has been changed to three days to make the process faster in case of emergency. According to the previous Law on Parliamentary Procedure, Parliament is able to convene on weekends, but the draft amendments to the Law on Parliamentary Procedure clarified on the provision.

“There was no provision for session attendance when a majority of members are quarantined,” the lawmaker added.

The majority of members agreed the proposal on Parliament convening via video conference during a period of a state of emergency or war to amend the Law on Disaster Protection.

Article 12.2.7 of the amendment to the Law on Legislation stipulating that lawmakers can initiate a law to overcome a situation of a state of emergency, war or international quarantine was supported by members of Parliament.

In line with this provision, Article 21.11 of the amendment stipulates, “in case of a state of emergency, war or international quarantine, Cabinet will submit its proposal on the draft law and other draft decisions within 72 hours”, was approved.

The amendment to the Law on Parliamentary Procedures and the accompanying amendments to the Law on Legislation were submitted to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on State Structure for discussion.