
Audit office rejects action plans of 12 parties

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On April 6, the Mongolian National Audit Office (MNAO) announced that action plans of 20 political parties and coalitions seeking to participate in the upcoming election have been sent back for revision. According to the MNAO, 15 political parties out of 35 political parties registered in the country and four coalitions had submitted their action plans for review.

Article 38.3 of the Law on Parliamentary Election stipulates that parties and coalitions must not promise money or property, not provide any free or discounted services, not donate state and local budget revenues, and not allocate mining revenues as handouts.

According to the Deputy General Auditor O.Tengis, 19 action plans were submitted, and seven parties’ actions plans complained with the law. Namely, Zon Masses Party, Development Program Party, World Mongolian Party, Freedom Party, Governance of Majority of People Party, and Republic Party.

Some 12 action plans of 20 political parties failed to meet requirements of the law, including those of the two major parties, the Democratic Party and Mongolian People’s Party. The action plan of the Development Party sought to raise the monthly minimum monthly wage to three million MNT. The Mongolian People’s Party’s action plan mainly focused on measures to increase citizens’ income, ensuring human development, economic expansion, and reduction of social inequalities. A joint coalition by the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party, Civil Will Green Party and the Mongolian Traditional United Party outlined to raise the average salary to five million MNT and provide each family with an apartment.

Action plans of political parties that failed to meet requirements can be corrected and re-submitted to the MNAO within five working days.