
Spring session opens today

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Spring session opens today

Parliament’s spring session of 2020 will commence on April 6. The Council under the speaker of Parliament approved the list of issues to be discussed by working groups, standing committees and Parliament on April 3.

The Mongolian People's Party in Parliament will meet in the Great Hall of the State Palace, while the Democratic Party in Parliament will convene in the Great Chinggis Khaan Hall, and United Citizens Coalition Party will convene in B Hall on April 6.                                                                             

Standing committees to convene starting April 7

The Standing Committee on State Structure will discuss amendments to the Law on Parliamentary Procedure and Law on Legislation in the General D.Sukhbaatar Hall of the State Palace at 10:00 a.m. The Standing Committee on Budget will discuss a draft law on a package measures to protect the health and income of citizens, save jobs and stimulate the economy amid COVID-19 pandemic in the Great Chinggis Khaan Hall at 11:00 a.m. In addition, draft amendments to the bill on exempting income tax payments for entities and individuals, exempting customs duty and value added tax, support through unemployment insurance fund, exempting social insurance premium, and the Law on International Agreements, will be discussed by the Standing Committee on Budget on April 7.

The Standing Committee on Economy will discuss the general agreements on Tax and Custom Regulation of Mongolia and draft amendments to financial agreements between the governments of Mongolia and France in the Great Chinggis Khaan Hall at 10:00 a.m. on April 8. Draft resolution on “Vision-2050” policy document and changes to border crossings of Arvaikheer and Taragt soums of Uvurkhangai Province, and Ulgii and Bugat soums of Bayan-Ulgii Province will be considered by the Standing Committee on State Structure at 11:00 a.m. at the General D.Sukhbaatar Hall. The bill on exempting income tax payments for entities and
individuals, exempting customs duty and value added tax payment, support through unemployment insurance fund, exempting social insurance premium will be discussed by the Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science at 2:00 p.m. on April 8. The Standing Committee on Budget will discuss draft amendments to the law on stamp duty at 4:00 p.m. on April 8 at the Great Chinggis Khaan Hall.                                                                                  

Main session

Parliament will convene to discuss the draft amendments to the bill on package measures to protect the health and income of citizens, save jobs and stimulate the economy, Law on Parliamentary Procedure, Law on Legislation and Law on International Agreements, bill on exempting customs duty and value added tax payment, and the Law on Stamp Duty at 3:00 p.m. The revision on the Law on State Audit, draft resolution on “Vision-2050” policy document and changes to border crossings in Arvaikheer and Taragt soums of Uvurkhangai Province, and Ulgii and Bugat soums of Bayan-Ulgii Province will be discussed by Parliament on April 9 and 10.