
ADB financing to Mongolia totals over 2 billion USD

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ADB financing to Mongolia totals over 2 billion USD

The Mongolian government has been working closely with ADB since 1991. Over the past 17 years, Mongolia received 2.34 billion USD from ADB, according to Raushan Mamatkulov, the head of the Project Administration Unit at the ADB Mongolia Resident Mission. ADB operations in 67 countries, 48 in the Asia Pacific region, totaled 32.2 billion USD, including 11.9 billion USD in co-financing, last year. As of March 31, 2018, the Mongolian government received 2.14 billion USD in loans (58 concessional loans and 14 ordinary capital resources), 103.8 million USD through 107 technical assistance and grants, 101.6 million USD in project and technical assistance co-financing, 94.5 million USD in non-sovereign loans (four loans), and 101.5 million USD in grant funding from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. To date, 38 loans and grants have been distributed to Mongolia through 29 projects with the total net amount of 1.15 billion USD. Currently, there are 43 ongoing technical assistance, 14 of which were approved in 2017. These assistances are worth 9.7 million USD. The total value of all ongoing technical assistance amount to 42.92 million USD and if we look closer at their allocation, 24 of them are for capacity building, 11 for project preparatory, seven for policy advisory, and one for regional technical assistance. The graph below shows the distribution of active ADB loan and grant portfolio in Mongolia.                   Loans and Grants approved in 2017 Last year, ADB projected almost 400 million USD for six new and ongoing projects.
No Project Name Amount (million USD) Source
1 Social Welfare Support Program, Phase II (PBL) 150.0 OCR
2 Banking Sector Rehabilitation and Financial Stability Strengthening Program 100.0 OCR
3 Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program (Tranche-2) 67.85 OCR
4 Sustaining Access to and Quality of Education During Economic Difficulties Project 50.0 COL
5 Ensuring Inclusiveness and Service Delivery for Persons with Disabilities Project 25.0 COL
6 Community Vegetable Farming for Livelihood Improvement 3.0 JFPR
7 Ensuring Inclusiveness and Service Delivery for Persons with Disabilities 2.0 JFPR
TOTAL: 397.85  
OCR = ordinary capital resources, COL = concessional OCR lending, JFPR = Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, PBL = policy-based loan