
Zaluus Autocross competition to be held

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Zaluus Autocross competition to be held

Mungun Shonkhor auto sports club announced its first competition of the year, Zaluus Autocross Racing, which is set to be held on January 21. The special feature of this competition is that only young athletes who don’t have any title in autocross sports can participate. The Mongolian Automobile Motorcycle Sports Federation, Mongolian Auto Masters Federation, Speed Auto Moto Club, and Auto clubs of provinces including Selenge and Umnugovi are co-organizing the competition. The Mongolian Auto Sports Tour Federation and Mongolian National Broadcaster TV are supporting this competition where around 50 athletes have registered so far. The first competition of last year was the Govisumber Master Cross 2017, held on January 25, 2017, in Govisumber Province, featuring 44 athletes. At the Govisumber Master Cross 2017, Kh.Ulam-Urnukh, a sports master of TV5, Batjandag Company took first place and was awarded a cup, gold medal, 2.4 million MNT and four tires of Triangle Tyre brand, and G.Bat-Erdene won first place in the youth event and received a cup, gold medal, and 500,000 MNT.