
T.Baasankhuu wins the President’s Cup

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T.Baasankhuu wins the President’s Cup

The President’s Cup for the 106th anniversary of the Declaration on the Restoration of National Independence of Mongolia was held at the Wrestling Palace on December 29, 2017. State Hawk from Tes soum of Uvs Province T.Baasankhuu won the President`s Cup 2017 after beating State Elephant from Mandal soum of Selenge Province N.Jargalbayar. The President`s Cup where 128 high ranking wrestlers, including State Garuda U.Bat-orshikh and State Giant Ch.Sanjaadamba, was held for the seventh year. The top 128 wrestlers ranked after 24 tournaments held throughout last year since the Lunar New Year participated in the President`s Cup. The wrestlers who remained in the last three rounds are shown below. 5th round
  1. Ch.Sanjaadamba, State Giant - Ch.Khukhchirenger, State Falcon
  2. N.Batsuuri, State Lion - B.Amarzaya, State Falcon
  3. U.Bat-Orshikh, State Garuda - T.Baasankhuu, State Hawk
  4. N.Jargalbayar, State Elephant - B.Bat-Ulzii, State Hawk
6th round
  1. Ch.Sanjaadamba, State Giant - T.Baasankhuu, State Hawk
  2. N.Batsuuri, State Lion - N.Jargalbayar, State Elephant
7th round
  1. T.Baasankhuu, State Hawk